Video Reflection

Paul Bennett- Design is in the Details

This video explored the way that designers in todays society need to focus more and more on specific details to produce a complete product for the consumer. For example the designers put themselves into the shoes of the consumer thay are designing for to fully understand their task and therefore create something that ticks all the boxes. This was shown well with the data information mechanism for the nurses allowing them to get data as well as hold the hand of the patient whilst in surgery.
They also managed to tick all the boxes on their water pump. It is lightweight, is transportable by bikes and can be used by anyone. They focussed on every aspect that is important to the consumer and focused on the details to make it the best possible design.
this is important to us as designers as we need to learn to take our time do the necessary reasearch and focus on all the little details. this way we are able to design something that is just another product but something that improves the consumers interaction with the product.

Video Reflection


Dick Powell and Richmond Semore, both british designers, in this video offer a unique insight into the processes and design practices that are relevant to our industrial design course.
They used many great examples of design to show how important finding the x-factor in their designs is. the batman motorcycle for example showed a great insight into the development, and thought processes that go into the concepts of the bike. the amount of time and hard thought that went into that bike is quite amazing and is a good indication to us as designers of how much dedication to the product is needed.
it also showed the importance of brainstorming as the frist step. also sketching is a major part of their process as the pen allows you to create so much more easily than a computer does in the early stages of design.
also because the designers worked hand in hand with engineers, they were able to create a design that is both technologically correct and advanced as well as aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable for the consumer.
it is important for us as designers to design products that cover all the areas of design so that the product is a complete one in all areas.