Treasuring Time


Desmond Yiu said...

I heard your presentation and thought it was very convincing. The design of the candle stands is very sensual and appealing and made alot of sense (with the shape of each part)

All in all very well done, although you could've played with 'capturing the essense of the flame' as Andrew and Ross said.

Patrick Paraan said...

Great outcome on such short notice. The use of form to elaborate on the rationale provided in the presentation worked well. The steps evoke and infinity inspired shape attest to this rationale for treasuring time. Probably, as you may know, finish could be better and the footprint the model makes on its surface seems a little unjustified. This takes away from the candle. Like you i wish that one day we are able to do everything the way the critics want before we do the presentation! But yeah, props on doing what you did with the time you had. ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS!

Anurag said...

The product looks good, and I guess it does the job. It took me a while to figue it out, and Im probably wrong, but Im guessing that the shape of teh holder is supposed to remidn us that time is infinite and if so, good work its very clever.

Dave said...

Love the shape! The shape is great, the finish.. its not bad considering the time. As for 'capturing the essense of the flame' thats a hard idea to get around, put more candles on each stand perhaps? I didnt get to see it the middle sized ones fit into the largest one, but it looks like they did, as if theres the next one is an evolution of the previous. From what you said in your presentation its a great solution to the breif.

mike_mac said...

The strong presentation back up a great idea. I think that this product has alot of potential, as it can be designed in a very elligant way with the sue of light. A variety of materials would help it to appeal to different user groups or to different cultures.